Gliffin' Snue
Bobby and Chillmeister General present a podcast scientifically curated to give the effect of narcotics, without the bad stuff, sounds like nonsense don't it? We just noticed a few of our songs could trigger those qualities or serve as a serving suggestion with said drugs. Either way, tunes and talk are the order as per. Tracklist below... expect some proper punk stuff, some psych, some super nice sweet indie pop and a solid gold disco banger.
Chubby and the Gang 'All Along The Uxbridge Road'
RF Shannon 'Wild Rose Pass'
Dire Wolves 'I Control the Weather'
Mike 'Goin' Truuu'
Camarao Orkestra 'Nacao Africa'
Field Mouse 'Heart of Gold'
Chekov 'Math (Squared Mix)'
Lucy Dacus 'Forever Half Mast'
Soft Walls 'Every Target Can Afford to Wait'
Ryan Traster 'New Again'
GODTET 'Alice'
Column 'II'