If There is Hell Below (est. 2010) is a weekly new music podcast presented by two best pals Rob Morgan and Callum Eckersley. Each week they bring in 12 new tracks, have a few beers, chat about their favourite finds of the week and joke about life.

Fake Sheik

Fake Sheik

Rob and Callum present the last podcast before Good Shit season, so strap in for a classic bout of new music and the teasing of the the most succulent of gossip.
Brazilian jazz, Rwanda folk, glam rock, sophistopop, indie of course and more.

Good Morning 'Classic Quip'
The Good Ones 'Where Did You Go Wrong, My Love'
Basic Plumbing 'Constant Attention'
Tiago Frugoli Enemble 'Arvore'
Better Person & John Moods 'Like A Whisper'
Office Culture 'Hard Times in the City'
Sprinters '3s & 4s'
Mad Rollers 'I Need Your Love'
The Homesick 'I Celebrate My Fantasy'
Skinshape 'I Didn't Know'

Good Shit '19: Albums

Good Shit '19: Albums

Year of the Cohen

Year of the Cohen