Free Matresses for a Year
Rob and Callum, reaching out to pimps and working this free bed scam going, collect your matress trial codes, claim your memory foam, lay back and enjoy this music podcast.
Real vuirtuoso, hip hop and pure indie podcast this one with ya bois Ty Segall & White Fence heading up things, some real spaced out and luxurious psych from Orions Belte and Vinyl Williams, there's also a hella Grateful Dead jam from Garcia People. The Golden Dregs provide a garage rock Bowie swag, there's some wall of noise punk from Double Grave, real sweet 90s guitar pop from Denise Le Menice and the straight-up gangster hip hop of Vince Ash.
Hit us up with good reviews, 5star ratings and tell your friends you know where the good shit is at.